Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting Chicken Grease Off Of Cotton How Do You Get Chicken Grease Off Of A Glass Eye ?

How do you get chicken grease off of a glass eye ? - getting chicken grease off of cotton

Sorry, this question has made me laugh.

.. Windex


reynwate... said...

After the tour

Erm, do not roll in the chicken?

Soap and water, rinse well.

nellbell... said...

Paste of baking soda is a mild abrasive to remove stains and dry in many, without damaging the surface. I think it is a kind of decoration you want the kitchen clean. Keep you clean, you can use a little furniture polish, so that the stains on the surface, so you can clean at regular intervals.

Tony said...

Oh, wow, I laughed too! Wash washing with soap and water, rinse well. I totally agree with Reynwater chicken, keep it out of. : - /

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