Friday, January 8, 2010

Constructive Playthings Is There A Way To Test Toys For Lead Paint?

Is there a way to test toys for lead paint? - constructive playthings

I spent $ 75 on Toys Food constructive.
My husband has just found out that the food produced in China.

Is there a way to prove that lead paint?


o_r_y_g_... said...

The fastest / easiest way to test the paint on toys is a product called using "Lead-Check". There are little white tubes, the (rodizinate chemical sodium) to deliver on the surface.

If you are not in a position to change the color Leach Exercise (pink or red). This means that children should be allowed to mouth or chew them to be.

TIP: they cost about $ 3.00 each, but! (Lead-Check teach me hate this) ... There are 5 to 7 drops in each tube. If you use a dry cotton swab for each topic, you may be 5 to 7 events.

There are also other brands with chemistry, but I prefer "Lead Check".

The painting is usually tested with a device called a spectrum analyzer of X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The device used is based on a painted surface, and in a very short time, a report on the lead content in all layers of paint. Does not damage the paint or surface.

For further information please read ~ wrltc / lswp.p ... This is a book written for parents who have done so by rebuilding or.And leadership issues in general. By one power or state subsidies. This means that your and my book. Education on this subject is my job.

For further questions please contact me directly And please forward this to others.

EDIT: To top that, Jim says

"If the color does not chip and is not consumed not by the child, which represents very little threat to health. Lead poisoning is the ingestion of paint particles in paint on the walls of old buildings.

Wrong .... There are approximately 400,000 children in the country today poisoned. 99.9% of these children are not sick because they ate paint chips from the walls. The degree of absorption of lead in blood is high, "lead dust" on the ground for the left image is broken or not.

Please read the first page of the book before the myths of "other" in this issue.

just plain jim said...

To lead paint used only a fraction of the toy manufacturers in China.

What is really wrong is that Matel toy had to excuse the Chinese because the Chinese manufacturers do not give clear instructions or supervision.

There are tables of the security products in the United States with lists of toys that pose a danger.

Notes, lead paint in toys in use for decades. If not allowed to shatter the paint and is not consumed by the child, which is very little risk to health. Absorption of lead poisoning based paint chips from paint on the walls of old buildings.

This does not mean that you should accept the lead character-based toys there are risks, but I think it is grossly exaggerated.




A hardware store will have a great spring, such device can be used to test for lead paint can also be one of the inspector and ask him to consider what you are (often) do the unit bought.


A hardware store will have a great spring, such device can be used to test for lead paint can also be one of the inspector and ask him to consider what you are (often) do the unit bought.

polomom said...

If they say "Made in China", stay away!

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